
Seasons Ville



Seasons Ville is here to make sure that you and your little ones don’t miss out on any of the memories that childhood summers are rightly known for! Whether it be splashing in the swimming pool or the everyday routine of playing pirate ninja in the bathtub, it is always a good idea to indulge in a super fun activity with your kids. If you’re looking to beat the heat with a crafty twist, we’ve got just the thing for you: DIY sponge boats! Not only are they widely loved by children, they’re also extremely fun and safe to make. So, the next time you inflate the kiddie pool in your backyard, give the kids something to play with that is entirely made right before their eyes! Here’s a quick tutorial to make this job easier for you:


  • Kitchen sponges (or an ordinary thick sponge)
  • Craft Sticks / Ice Cream Sticks / Wood skewers
  • Duct tape in different colors
  • Tissue Paper


  • Ruler
  • Craft knife
  • Cutting mat
  • Scissors

Note: All sharp tools like a craft knife and scissors must be used by an adult, or under adult supervision and used with acute caution.


       1.  Mark the edges of the sponge with a ruler and lead pencil to make it even, as shown in the picture.

       2.  Use the scissors to cut the tip of the sponge into a pointy end.

       3.  With the help of a craft knife, make a small horizontal slit in the middle of the shaped sponge. This is where the mast will be placed.

       4.  To make the sail, place a piece of duct tape on a folded tissue paper, followed by another one alongside, overlapping it, but make sure it’s upside down.

       5.  Stick a second layer of duct tape over the first to make sure that both sides of the sail are smooth, and no sticky surface remains exposed. Optional– use decorative tapes, or different colors alternatively to make the boat more visually appealing for the kids.

       6.  The sail should roughly be a square. The width of the sail should be approximately the same as the width of the sponge you’ve used. If required, use your craft knife / scissors to trim the edges in accordance                appealing for the kids.


       7. To place the mast with the sail, use the craft knife to make two slits – one at the top, the other at the bottom of the sail you just made. 

       8. Thread the mast, that is made out of an ice cream stick / a wooden skewer / a craft stick, through these slits and ensure that it sits in place using duct tape. The mast should be curved.

       9. Place this mast in the slit made in the sponge, and voila! A very colorful sponge boat is ready to float!

Try out this super easy, DIY sponge boat with your little ones and tag us on social media with #seasonsville with your fun creations of your sponge boats. Follow Seasons Ville for more mom-approved, kid-safe crafty ideas to make this summer quarantine fun for the entire house!

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